Undergraduate @ TAMU
Geoscience Courses:
GEOS 105 - Intro to Environmental Geosciences
GEOS 205 - Environmental Geosciences Cornerstone
GEOS 405 - Environmental Geosciences
GEOS 410 - Global Change
GEOS 470 - Data Methods in the Geosciences
Geography Courses:
GEOG 201 - Intro to Human Geography
GEOG 309 - Geography of Energy
GEOG 330 - Resources and the Environment
GEOG 430 - Environmental Justice
GEOL 101 - Principles of Geology
GEOL 102 - Principles of Geology Lab
GEOG 203 - Planet Earth
GEOG 213 - Planet Earth Lab
GEOL 410 - Hydrogeology
GEOL 412 - Environmental Hydrogeology
GEOL 420 - Environmental Geology
GEOG 390 - Principles of GIS
GEOG 352 - GNSS in the Geosciences
GEOG 361 - Remote Sensing in the Geosciences
GEOG 478 - Web GIS
BIOL 111 - Introductory Biology I
BIOL 112 - Introductory Biology II
BIOL 113 - Essentials in Biology
CHEM 107 - General Chemistry for Engineers
CHEM 117 - General Chemistry for Engineers Lab
CHEM 120 - Fundamentals of Chemistry II
PHYS 206 - Newtonian Mechanics for Engineering and Science
MATH 150 - Functions, Trigonometry, and Linear Systems
MATH 151 - Engineering Math I
MATH 152 - Engineering Math II
STAT 303 - Statistical Methods
POLS 206 - American National Government
POLS 207 - State and Local Government
PSYC 107 - Intro to Psychology
MUSC 201 - Music and the Human Experience
URPN 202 - Building Better Cities
URPN 361 - Urban Issues
OCNG 350 - Marine Pollution
KINE 199 - Archery I